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5 cars from the Beijing auto show that reflect China's vision for the future of driving

BEIJING (AP) — China’s vision of the future of the automobile — electrified and digitally connected — is on display at the ongoing Beijing auto show.

Organizers say that 117 new models are making their debut at Auto China 2024, which runs through May 4. They range from eye-poppingly cutting edge to more subtle novelties.


One of the biggest mob scenes was for the opening day presentation by Xiaomi, a major Chinese maker of smartphones and trendy, affordable smart appliances aimed at younger generations that’s entering the car market for the first time.

Xiaomi announced that it had received more than 75,000 orders in the four weeks since the launch of its first car, the SU7, with a list price of 215,900 to 299,900 yuan ($29,800-$41,400).

Why is a phone company making a car? Analysts say connectivity. Consumer technology companies want to connect the lives of their customers across all their devices — phones, laptops, televisions and now cars.

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